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Benchmark Mineral Intelligence provides intelligence for the electric vehicle and energy storage supply chain.

"Spectrum Equity’s measured and expert guidance has allowed us to turbo-charge our business and chart a new course of growth and ambition. The team’s involvement has not only been highly impactful but incredibly enjoyable as well - very rare! "

Simon Moores, Executive Chairman & Founder of Benchmark1

  1. Statements made herein by current or former employees of Spectrum Equity portfolio companies for which no compensation was paid. Spectrum may have the ability to exercise discretion on portfolio company employee compensation, promotion and other employment decisions and certain portfolio company executives may also be investors in Spectrum Equity funds.
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"Spectrum Equity’s measured and expert guidance has allowed us to turbo-charge our business and chart a new course of growth and ambition. The team’s involvement has not only been highly impactful but incredibly enjoyable as well - very rare! "

Simon Moores, Executive Chairman & Founder of Benchmark1